Thursday, March 12, 2020

COVID Preparation (Just in Case!)

Dear Kindergarten Rolling Hills Families,

Like many districts in Idaho, Rolling Hills is assessing our alternative learning plan in the case of a prolonged school closure due to a community health or weather emergency. Currently we are planning for response to COVID – 19, should it affect our education setting. Through on-line learning resources, our teachers are equipped to provide an alternative educational experience for your child(ren). Parents, please see your child’s homeroom teacher for necessary passwords and access to the websites. 

Please reply to this email if your student does NOT have access to a home computer. 

While at school, we are continuing to practice common sense hygiene, including frequent hand washing and classroom sanitization. Should you have any questions about Rolling Hills’ response to this evolving situation, please contact Mr. Pratt, 208-939-5400 or e-mail


Shane Pratt and Michelle Korn